Thursday, September 6, 2012

Studium and Punctum

Accidental shot of my swinging arm whilst walking the beautiful neighborhoods of Bend, OR. I had been taking pictures of houses I liked, and must have got this shot as I was putting my phone back in my bag.

Studium: Person on a road, or path. Giving the thumbs up? Possibly an accidental shot, seeing as the road is blurred in places. Knowing the owner of the arm, I'm pretty sure she didn't plan out a fancy shot with blurring effects- she doesn't have the skills. Hair-tie and flowery shirt indicate girly girl... the pink lighter is girly, too, but that provides some potential level of either coolness or lameness, depending on how you look at it. Tattoos on wrist and maybe the thumb?... indicate a bad girl, possibly. The coloring on the thumb nail could be an on-purpose floral design to match the shirt, or, more likely, the flaking remnants of random nail colors the figure put on in an effort to demonstrate for her young niece how specific colors might actually look on a fingernail- per her niece's request. Who's to say? There's a lot of interpretable personality in the hand and forearm, contrasting with the blandness of the paved road. It's a nice effect, if I say so myself, especially as the blandness of the road is oddly blurred with a seeming motion and direction to it.

Punctum: Love that shirt. Makes me feel alive and like a hippie. There was a supernatural feel to the air. Mom peeking out from the tattoo.... I think Mom was tagging along that day. Something about the blandness is ironic. Ocean-like. Hands that are identical. The revealed personality is inviting- usually makes me cringe. Maybe because my face is absent. Most delicious veggie burger I've had to date. I might remember what I was carrying but it would make sense to not. Besides, I was carrying it for a friend. The sunset is spicy and tastes like cider.


  1. Lovely! i had to catch my breath when i read: "The revealed personality is inviting- usually makes me cringe." Hmm ... i wonder what this means and why you are cringing? i love everything about the photo, but the punctum is for me located in a combi of the chipped polish & pink lighter.

  2. Dani I liked your presentation. I had to agree with some of the comments made in class. I felt like it was kind of like your dog is a strength to you, a stabilizing force in your life, your protector. Dr. Kyburz made the comment that at the beginning of your prezi all the pics looked like a constellation. It made me think about 17th century sailors and them using the constellations to guide them, I kind of felt like maybe we could relate that to your dog? I don't know. Any way, well done.
