Thursday, October 25, 2012

the freak shall inherit the earth

Because the fashion ads we've been looking at have been so provocative, I wanted to find another kind of ad wrought with affect. so, I image-searched COLLEGE ADS and thought there might be something interesting. Bingo! I found these, advertising Centennial College, and immediately began arguing for and against them with myself.
I think we can all get the gist. Generally, advertisements for colleges consist of intelligent-looking youngsters, holding a textbook to their chest and staring majestically into the corner of the frame as they contemplate the vast and important roles they will fill in changing the world. Many also showcase how much "fun" a young adult can have at college. Think of a poster featuring a group of ethnically diverse students surrounding a big table with pizza on it. Everyone is smiling and it looks like a party- but wait! There are textbooks and calculators on the table, too. Oh! It's a study party! Wow, look how fun it is to be in college! 
Even when a college ad is trying to show the light, fun side of university life- generally speaking, the students pictured, and the scenes they are pictured in, nevertheless evoke a sense of 
responsibility, achievement, ambition... ya da ya da.

These ads, are clearly targeted at a different audience than usual. High school kids, most likely: "Come on, peeps! We're a cool college. If you have straggly hair or a tongue piercing; if you like crashing out after gorging on pizza (and possibly beer- though you'll have to infer that yourself), then we are the college for you!" I do think it's a nice idea to reach out to those potential students who might (stereotypically speaking) not be the type who usually pursues a degree right away. college isn't just for the honor roll kids, or the over-achievers, or the well-groomed, polish youth of high society. It's for everyone! right?
then again, don't we already know that? on another note, i don't know how i feel about labeling a person a "freak" just because she's got a tongue ring and possibly dyed hair. And the whole, "Einstein didn't own a hairbrush either" bit- it's very confrontational. Like the lame argument a kid would make to their equally lame parent who gave a damn about the state of their kid's hair. It's setting Centennial College up to be the "other" of colleges in general. "We're not like those guys. We're cooler." I mean, yes, the point of advertising one's university is to get more students and more tuition flowing in. It is competitive.

I dunno. There seems to be a lot going on here for me- hopefully during class today some of you can tell me what ya think.

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